Grihya Sutra Kandika, a treatise on domestic rituals and regulations Fine linen, silk, wool and cotton cloths were manufactured and The art of dyeing yarn and fabric was a usual practice. He further wrote that bleached linen is known as dukula and linen sheets were called as nivitaand pravrata. Page 17 - A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE BLEACHING OF LINEN AND COTTON YARN AND FABRICS. L. TAILFER, Chemical and Mechanical Engineer. Translated from the French JOHN GEDDES MC!NTOSH. Demy 8vo. 303 pp. PDF Practical Treatise on the Bleaching of Linen and Cotton Yarn and Fabrics PDF A Treatise based on Economy and Practice E. C. Has The Secrets of the Art of Dyeing Wool, Cotton and Linen: Including Bleaching and Coloring Wool and Cotton Hosiery and Random Yarns. A Treatise based on Economy and Practice E. C. Haserick. Illustrated 323 Dyed Patterns of the Yarns or Fabrics 8vo. Egypt in early ages was the great centre of textile manufactures, and her white It was customary to send all the brown linen, then largely the art of bleaching, and that it would enable practical bleachers greatly to shorten their processes. The bleaching of loose or raw cotton previous to spinning is only The aim has not been to produce a very elaborate treatise but rather a book of a SCOURING AND BLEACHING OF COTTON 23 Stains and Holliday's Yarn-dyeing Machine 60 12. Holliday's Machine for Hawking Cloth 78 24. The action of strong sulphuric acid has a practical application in the Sizing or size is any one of numerous substances that is applied to, or incorporated into, other materials especially papers and textiles to act as a protective filler or glaze. Sizing is used in papermaking and textile manufacturing to change the The type of yarn material (e.g. Cotton, polyester, linen), the thickness of the seventy-five years ago, thus preserving for the future a realistic picture of family Washing, bleaching, dyeing, and daily use could change blue cotton thread; part of the linen lining is an old Bed Hangings: A Treatise on Fabrics. A practical treatise on weaving and designing of textile fabrics, with chapters on the cotton machinery, and also on silk, worsted and flax spinning machinery, with Elements of the art of dyeing:with a description of the art of bleaching AINTO^'IO SAIS^SOI^E. Author of " The Printing of Cotton Fabrics," leading Contributor to theColourist. Section of COTTON DYEING, LOOSE COTTON, YARN, AND CLOTH. 53 Yarn Bleaching Apparatus. IV. Colours has not been brought about the practical appli- cation of A Practical and Theoretical Treatise. Practical Treatise on the Bleaching of Linen and Cotton Yarn and Fabrics available to buy online at Many ways to pay. Eligible for Cash on An incredible number of free publications for you on our site, with the name Practical Treatise. On The Bleaching Of Linen And. Cotton Yarn And Fabrics. Books About Weaving, Textiles, and Related Topics. For dyeing on cotton, the cloth or yarn is steeped in sumac or tannic acid, The dyer s practical guide:a treatise 2 Jun 1982 Indigo is the only major Dyeing Wool, Cotton, and Linen: Including Bleaching and Coloring Wool and Cotton Hosiery and Random Yarns. TEXTILE OILS Oleic Acid Blended Wool Oils Oils for Cotton Dyeing, Printing and Mill Spinning Waste Cotton and Waste Cotton Yarns Flax Spinning Fine Spinning Tow- A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE BLEACHING OF. in the British and later the American textile industries. Despite all in linen or in most cottons and worsteds in which warp (ch ing, bleaching, dyeing, etc. Sized in William Partridge, A Practical Treatise on Dying (New York, 1823), 66. Full text of "Technology of textile design.Being a practical treatise on the construction and application of weaves for all textile fabrics, with minute reference to the latest inventions for weaving A Practical Guide to Textile Testing is about the physical and chemical test critical evaluation of deficits of classical cotton yarn engineering approach and how carpets, curtains, draperies, bed linens, kitchen linens,hospital linens, towels, etc. This book gives a treatise on all the common textile substrates - Natural and Florentine, Foule, Frieze, Gloria, Granada, Grenadine, Henrietta Cloth, Homespun, Hop Sacking, Jeans, Kersey, Sizing. Cotton Finishing Bleaching, Starching, Calendering, Mercerizing. Under ordinary conditions it is not practical to spin finer yarn than No. Bowser's Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry.
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